College and Career Counseling » College and Career Counseling

College and Career Counseling

Meet your Counselor


Danielle Miranda

TANM College & Career Counselor

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 505-967-4720 ext.1029

Office hours: 7:30am-3:00pm 

GPA stands for ‘grade point average’. It is the sum of all your course grades throughout the semester and school year. The grades you earn throughout your high school career will be reviewed by colleges when they consider your application.


How to Calculate your GPA: 

GPA’s are calculated on a 4.0 scale: A = 4.0, B = 3.0, C = 2.0, D = 1.0, F = 0. A GPA is calculated by adding up your grades and diving by the total number of classes taken.


Here is an example:

English  B 3
Algebra 1 A 4
Biology  C 2
History B 3
Dance/PE D 1
Music  C 2
Art C 3
Spanish B 3
Add for Total = 21
Take Total and divide by total number of classes
21 / 8 = 2.62 GPA
  • If you or a loved one is experiencing any kind of emotional crisis or mental health concern, you can find help 24/7, please see the resources below.
  • If you or a loved one has a life-threatening emergency, please dial 911 immediately.


New Mexico Crisis and Access Line

1-855-NMCRISIS (662-7474) 


Agora Crisis Center:



Peer-to-Peer Warmline

1-855-4NM-7100 (466-7100) 


The Trevor Project: 

Call 1-866-488-7386 or text 
‘START’ to 678-678.


Rape Crisis Center of Central New Mexico hotline: 



NM 988 Suicide Crisis Line:

Call or Text 988